Hello, I am trying to make a dotted wire in ulp code using e.g. cmd = "CHANGE STYLE WIRE_STYLE_SHORTDASH" but the wire stays as a continuous line. Any idea how to make CHANGE STYLE work ?
Thank you,
// run this file as a .ulp file
// Problem: CHANGE STYLE doesn't work as expected
// Q. how to make the line be drawn as a dotted line ??
string cmd = "";
real x1 = 10.0;
real y1 = 10.0;
real x2 = 50.0;
real y2 = 50.0;
sprintf(cmd, "The number is %d", WIRE_STYLE_SHORTDASH);
dlgMessageBox(cmd); // just confirms that WIRE_STYLE_SHORTDASH = 2
cmd = "";
cmd = cmd + "\n";
sprintf(cmd,"WIRE 1 (%f %f) (%f %f) ;", x1, y1, x2, y2 );
cmd = cmd + "\n";
cmd = cmd + "Window Fit;\n";