I'm preparing an ULP which generates a batch file which again generates with "eaglecon" all the Gerber files.
So far it worked well, but now I changed the location of my EAGLE project to a path which contains blanks.
Here my code:
eaglecon -X -N- -f- -O+ -c+ -dGERBER_RS274X -o ProjectName-TopCopper.gbr 'C:/10 - %BOARD_PATH%' %LAYERS%
eaglecon -X -N- -f- -O+ -c+ -dGERBER_RS274X -o ProjectName-TopCopper.gbr "C:/10 - %BOARD_PATH%" %LAYERS%
The reference manual says on page 335: "Paths which contain blanks has to be surrounded with apostrophes."
In both cases I get the error message: "Cannot find "C:/10". So it seems that the "eaglecon" command cannot handle blanks in the path.
Does anyone have an idea to solve this?
To prevent this question: NO, I cannot change the directory name