Gene Kochanowsky wrote:
>Are there any plans to integrate subversion into EaglePCB?
It is very useful open source version control software.
What exactly do you mean by "integrate"?
What is the benefit over using a file manager with SVN integration or
extensions to a file manager like TortoiseSVN?
What about all the other good version control solutions besides SVN?
Gene Kochanowsky wrote:
>Are there any plans to integrate subversion into EaglePCB? It is very useful open source version control software.
What's really needed from Cadsoft is a diff-viewer for schematic,
board files.
No further 'integration' into eagle needed (and on my part wanted)!
Lorenz wrote:
>What's really needed from Cadsoft is a diff-viewer for schematic,
>board files.
I agree.
At the moment, you can use the existing export ULPs (for board,
schematic and embedded library devices) and compare the text output.
But they are not up-to-date and therefore don't support all current
I also compare exported pictures with Beyond Compare to reveal changes
in layouts quickliy.