I just started using Eagle so assume I know nothing!
I made a small 2 layer circuit board. The bottom layer has a ground plane that I made using the Polygon tool.
I then followed the directions in section 6.8 (page 174) of the Eagle Version 5 manual, Combining small circuit boards on a common plane.
To make a panel with 4 copies of my circuit board.
My question is about the last comment in section 6.8:
In the case the board has Supply layers, you have to check the names of the power signals. For example, the signal GND will be displayed as GND1, GND2 and so on. The connections to the Supply layer longer exist. You have to name the signals with their original name GND again.
In my original circuit board I named my ground plane and all attached nets to GND.
I am seeing that three of the boards have renamed my ground plane to GND1, GND2 & GND3.
If I try to rename GND1 to GND I get an airwire trying to connect to the adjacent board. I do not want that!
Am I OK or am I missing something?