I'd like a border around vias to show the clearance distance from the edges of the via. I think this helps me hand route boards.
For example, a 40mil diameter via with a 10mil clearance would have a 60mil diameter border. I'd expect it to work for all shapes of via.
The only way I've found to do it is set the clearance as the min/max for a stop mask in the Design Rule dialogue.
I don't like that as a solution because all of the component names (which I like to have on) generate hundreds of Stop Mask errors which is a distraction, and might hide useful error information (which is even more distracting because I have to manually check the error dialogue, or approve them whenever I move a component).
Is there a way to get the visual effect without getting any Name/Stop Mask errors?
It doesn't need to be a stop mask, it is the visual feedback which I am looking for.
I'm happy to use the Stop Mask if I can switch off the Stop Mask errors generated by component names.
I would like the clearance-distance border around pads, so maybe defeating the 'Names on Stop Mask' errors might be sufficient.
Then I'd like a clearance distance border around tracks too, please