While we can place nets and parts via scripts (.scr files), labels for the nets seem to be ignored. I am trying the following lines. The labels do not appear on the schematic. Please let me know if I doing anything wrong to get what I want. Many Thanks.
3 NET 'XXX' (2.5 6.20) (2.6 6.20) (2.7 6.10);
4 LABEL (2.55 6.25);
5 NET 'YYY' (2.5 6.10) (2.6 6.10) (2.7 6.00);
6 LABEL (2.55 6.15);
7 NET 'ZZZ' (2.5 6.00) (2.6 6.00) (2.7 5.90);
8 LABEL (2.55 6.05);