I am new with Eagle and i was trying to place measurements, dimensions on PCB. How do I proceed? Answers are greatly appreciated
On 10/25/2011 8:37 AM, Patrick L. wrote:
I am new with Eagle and i was trying to place measurements, dimensions on PCB. How do I proceed? Answers are greatly appreciated
Hi Patrick,
V6 will have a built-in dimension tool, but in the meantime use the
adimv4_0in.ulp and adimv4_0mm.ulp. These ulps can be found on our
website www.cadsoftusa.com-> Downloads-> User Language Programs.
The automatically dimension the board, and for the most part are very
Jorge Garcia
Cadsoft Support
Hi Patrick,
First what is the purpose of the measurement/dimensions you want to put on the PCB? Boardhouses don't care about what text is on the silkscreen so drill dimensions are of no use when placed there.
Secondly text and so on can be placed on layer 25(tNames) or 26(bNames).to be printed on the Silkscreen.