After two hours and many tries I've decided that I'm brain dead. I'm trying to build a 176 lead LQFP, I start Eagle, open a blank board, open a blank library, in the library windows I open the script make-symbol-device-package-bsdl.ulp then I open the import file that is formated as below:
1 PE2 inout
2 PE3 inout
3 PE4 inout
4 PE5 inout
5 PE6 inout
6 VBAT in
7 PI8 inout
8 PC13 inout
9 PC14-OSC32_IN inout
10 PC15-OSC32_OUT inout
11 PI9 inout
12 PI10 inout
13 PI11 inout
14 VSS linkage
15 VDD linkage
16 PF0 inout
Pin number, Name, Direction as stated in the HELP for make-symbol-device-package-bsdl.ulp, I parse the import file and get Pins, Pads, Direct. columns filled with data,
On the MAKE tab I check Symbol and Device and Package and Quad then change the default from 64 to 44 .
On the Package Tab I put in the information needed for the package and check Accept parameter.
On the User Package Table I click None
At this point I'd like to save my setup incase everything blows up but I can't.
I click on OK in the Make tab and I get Error:
Don't know what to edit! for 542 times then I get ERROR
Invalid Option inout!
I attached the import file I'm trying to use.
This is a stm32f417vgt6