Just bought v6 pro, trying to open my 5.11 design I get this:
EAGLE update report
Date: 2011-12-22 15:02:34
File: C:/Users/Peter/Desktop/dcu/dcu.sch
An error occurred while parsing the intermediate XML file.
The XML file has been loaded into a text editor window as
line 15148: invalid value '' for attribute 'name' in tag <gate>
line 15148, column 73: invalid/missing attribute 'name' in tag <gate>
This only occurs for the schematic, the layout opens fine, what can I do?
<deviceset name="CRM100" prefix="U" uservalue="no">
<gate name="" symbol="CRMX00" x="0" y="0" addlevel="next" swaplevel="0"/>
<gate name="PAD" symbol="FPIN" x="17.78" y="-12.7" addlevel="next" swaplevel="0"/>
The red row above is line 15148.