Q #1: Board layout:
OK, i laboriously* created the package outline i needed and placed four of the parts on a board in one line. Wiring is added.
Now for efficiency i would like to copy that set of parts and place in a line above.
Then copy that set of 4 to a line above, then copy that set of 8 to a line above, then that set of 16 to a line above, and then that set of 32 to a line above.
HOW? "group" is useless - unless there is some magic needed.
Then the whole mess needs to be copied and placed on the back side.
I will then edit each side as i see fit (some of the resulting parts will be deleted and other parts will go in their place).
The copy-a-group trick will save a whole lot of time.
* Eagle is crappy; have a nice looking picture of a package layout and want to change the SMT pad, select change, click on pad and the part PIN gets changed as well as rotated (crappy, crappy).
Found a partial work-around by making one of the high numbered layers invisible (the part pin), making desired changes but damn pad gets rotated on resize. So i said F* it and changed sizes then went back and rotated each one to where they should have STAYED (crappy, crappy). When done, made that layer visible and all was OK.
And this was after i "upgraded" from 5.0 to 5.11 the most recent version that works in Win2K.
Q #2: Creating a new package in the library problem:
I start with a package close to what i want, and after a lot of fiddling (see comment about crappy in note above) i get what i want to use.
Now i foolishly renamed what i had and changed the description (since what i now had WAS different, this seemed the logical thing to do).
Save and exit.
CRAPPY! The original part that i had used for a model IS GONE!
Damn good thing i backed up that lib file as a different name.
HOW in the F do i either copy or move this new package into the original lib file without messing up any other package in that file?