I have used make-symbol-device-package-bsdl.ulp and it seems to work, but the symbol is huge and I have to split it into smaller parts...with connect-device-split-symbol.ulp. I follow the manual for the ulp, but already at point 5 on page 1 I fail.
1. Create the Device with make-symbol-device-package-bsdl.ulp
2. Now edit the according symbol
3. Use GROUP and CUT in order to copy the part of the symbol which should be copied into
a new symbol (gate)
4. EDIT symbolname.SYM.
5. PASTE – places the pins in the new symbol ---> Fails with empty clipboard
6. load the original symbol again – EDIT symbolname....
A) When I in step 3: GROUP and type CUT, the traffic light turns green. When I in step 5 paste into the new symbol I get: Clipboard empty.
Why does the clip board not persist from one symbol to the other as written in the manual?
I notice that my toolbox (icons to the left) is different from the one in the connect-device-split-symbol.ulp manual: It lacks the CUT tool (sizors), so in order to actually do step 3 I use the command line. But already here something seems wrong. I have checked and I am in symbol editing mode, at least the header says
Library - c:\Filepath\...\testlib.lbr (mySymbol.sym) -Eagle 6.2.0
B) When I do the CUT Command I would expect the selected parts actually being cut-away, as is customary, but they remain, as if I had made a COPY command. Well seems there is something wrong in the CUT command
I feel kind of stupid not to be able to get such a simple thing to work. I hope you can guide me.
PS: Using Win 7/64b