I've done some googling for this, but I think I'm using the wrong keywords to describe it.
I'm just starting out with Eagle, and throwing together some home-etch breakout and prototype boards. In both cases, either the I/O range of a microcontroller or the pins of some 0.1" header, it doesn't really matter which wire goes to which as long as each goes to one of its own.
What I would like to know is if there's a way of saying "here's 9 wires and here's 12 potential pins, sort yourself out", because going back to the schematic every time to change the layout and avoid crossed wires seems like I'm doing it the hard way.
The supply tags seem close to this, in that it allows common pins, so I suspect there must be a feature for pin groups/ranges that I haven't found yet. What's the magic command name I'm overlooking?