Hello all,
I am new to Eagle Pro, it’s been a bit a lot of fun for an old timer such as myself to grasp using this program.
However I believe my circuit is ready for a trail run before it goes off to be printed.
I want to be able to print my PCB so I can put it through my printer and do a POC (proof of concept) before I go and get 1000 pcbs printed and have all of them either being correct or incorrect.
The issue i am having is that my single sided board, when i print to a PDF it is showing the name of the chips and points, is there away i can remove this for my POC so i can only print out the pads and traces.
As i know when the factory prints them this is ideal and i want to have them there.
But for a poc it will cause issues as i will be dropping it in etching solution using a toner method, and of course the titles of the chips as well as their outlines will interfere with this.
Thank you all