I am in the middle of generating the gerber outputs for a board that I have laid out using version 6.3
There does not seem to be a top or bottom paste layer - is ther something I am missing?
I am in the middle of generating the gerber outputs for a board that I have laid out using version 6.3
There does not seem to be a top or bottom paste layer - is ther something I am missing?
In the standard gerb274x.cam job it seems that there is no paste layers generated.
In the CAM Processor you could press Add, this will give you a copy of the previous selected tab so remember to change the Job Section to something like Top cream and File ending to .crc for top cream or .crs for bottom.
In the layer section make sure that only the tCream for top layer or bCream for bottom layer is selected.
Dont forget to save the edited CAM job if you want to keep it.
If your going to use Eagle more frequently, you might want to look over and make some more tweeks to the CAM job.