I recently upgraded from 5.x to 6.4.0 and when the libraries came across there were some errors.
Since the libraries are XML it was pretty easy to find the errors and edit them. However, editing the library does not seem to fix the problem.
>Loading T:/Engineering/Electrical Eng/Eagle/lbr/DougM-XXXX-Wiring-Diagram.rpt.lbr ...
>line 2753, column 43: invalid/missing attribute 'pin' in tag <connect>
So I open the library in Notepad++, find the offending line:
> <connect gate="G$1" pin="" pad="P$1"/>
and I edit it to put some information in:
><connect gate="G$1" pin="0_XXX" pad="P$1"/>
Then I save the library, exit Eagle, restart Eagle and try to open the library again but I get the same error!
So I edit the library again and check the line. It is correct:
><connect gate="G$1" pin="0_XXX" pad="P$1"/>
So my question is how can it be that I edit a file and eagle does not open the file I edited? Does eagle cache the files somewhere?
It might be worth mentioning that the lbr files are on a file server. Also, I tried shutting down and restarting my computer thinking that maybe the OS had cached it somewhere.
Thank you for your insight,