Hi all,
I just started tinkering with Eagle today for a new project and have (almost certainly) a beginners-question.
In the schematic view, I added an MAX233AEWP chip from the Maxim library.
Pins 6,7 and 9 (GND, VCC and GND again) are hidden, and this is normal behaviour according to different discussions on the forum.
I've then made these 3 pins visible using the invoke button, and they show up as 3 horizontal lines. I then proceeded to put these 3 lines somewhere down.
Next I connected both pins 9 and 6 together to a GND symbol out of the 'supply'-library (as I've done with the other components as well), and pin 7 to a +5V (also from the supply library).
When I switch to board mode I see the MAX233 component there, and pin 6,7,8 and 9 seem to be connected by a thin yellow line. I assume that pin 8 is not actually connected to that line, but just happens to be in the way.
When I select tools, autorouter, nothing seems to happen. With the other components so far (a bunch of resistors, capacitors etc.), this seems to work however.
What am I missing? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!