(Reposted in this part of the forums rather than User Chat)
First post here. I have been using Eagle as freeware for a little while and learning to create parts and packages as I've been going along. As I have learnt, I have done things a little bit better and today I thought I would tidy things up into a MyParts.lbr. The problem is I have broken all the links to these parts in existing schematics and boards. I get the following error:
Library VOM1271.lbr was not found in current library path(s).
Please adjust the library paths or export the drawing libraries first!
How do I adjust the library paths? My new library is in the same place as before along with all my other libraries. (Mac: applications->EAGLE-7.1.0->lbr)
(As an aside, it seems that Eagle makes updating from one version to the next a real pain. The lbr, cam, scr, ulp etc folders are all recreated and one has to drag items created in the older version into the new folders. Painful.)