Hi there
Any Eagle experts out there? Although I'm new to Eagle, it's possible the answer to this question is not obvious, at least not from all the reading I've done so far!
I created a new library from scratch which has the footprint, schematic, and package definitions for an Arduino Nano, as I'd like to include a nano on my board. I also tried this by running exp-project-lbr.ulp on the Arduino Nano Eagle files to create a library this way.
The airwires to my Nano show up fine on the board, but they won't autoroute. Everything else autoroutes fine. ALL other connections are made, NONE that connect to the Nano are made.
I've checked the following:
- My package has pads which are named the same as pins on the schematic, and they are connected in the device definition view
- Airwires *are* created to my Nano on board view. I assume this also demonstrates the package is set up correctly and the schematic wiring is connected up okay
- This isn't a problem with space on the board. I've tested this in a simple board with one nano and one external LED. The LED route to ground is made, but autorouting to the Nano simply doesn't work
- I've changed my grid and routing grid settings to 1 mil but still no joy
- It's not even trying to connect any routes to my package. It fails reliably at 78.3% every time, regardless of the routing settings and layout
- I've tested by replacing my Nano with a generic IC. The IC wires up fine in the same location and the routing succeeds at 100%