I am curently writing an ulp where I have a dialog with a tabwidget and a few tabs. In one tab I have a radiobutton dialogs which will alter an variable. Before running dlgAccept and thus storing the new status of the variables etc and closing the dialog, is it possible to have the actual variable updated with the status of the selected radiobutton while the dialog is still open? Thus if I switch tab i will be able to use the variable with value as given by the radiobutton state?
I have attached a demo.ulp showing the problem. I though that dlgRedisplay() should have fixed it, but either I did not use it correctly or I have misunderstood the purpose of it. When I used dlgRedisplay the dialog closed and execution continued. NOTE: In the demo.ulp I have removed the redisplay function. It only have a textual description of what I want to achieve. (EDIT: erh.. forget the dlgAccept in line 35, It was some silly test to se if it had any effect, but off-course not, so forget it)
I fear that the dlgRedisplay may only work on strings that changes, ref. the example in the manual with dlgLabel
By the way. Here is the code I had when using dlgRedisplay(), i called it after hitting an radiobutton.
dlgRadioButton("&POST", HttpMethod) dlgRedisplay();
dlgRadioButton("&GET", HttpMethod) dlgRedisplay();
Message was edited by: vidar vidnes