Perhaps someone can point me in to the right direction.
I wrote an ULP to ask the user for project information when starting a (new) schematic. Things like project name, engineer, revision etc. will be asked for in a dialog box.
What I 'd like, is to use the (keyed in) project name + revision as file name for the schematic, actually I 'd like to change the "DRAWING_NAME" with the keyed in information.
As I could not find a way to do that I made a work around by writing a new file with the name "project name + revision" and then edit this new file.
I put these commands in a SCR file, it looks like this:
WRITE '" + strAttrValue[PROJNAME] + "V" + strAttrValue[REV] + "';
EDIT '" + strAttrValue[PROJNAME] + "V" + strAttrValue[REV] + ".sch';
This works great for an empty design but when I use an older design with already a complete schematic in it, it fails. The file will be correctly written but when it is opened it is empty.
My guess is that my system is too slow and the new file is already openend before it is written completely. (I actually do not use a very slow Windows system, it even has an SSD.)
(When I re-open the file myself it is ok.)
I use this procedure so the user is not bothered by giving the right file name when closing (saving) the drawing (avoiding wrong filename convention).
So actually back to my original issue, is it possible to change the standard drawing name (= "untiteld.sch" for a new drawing) to another name so when the drawing is closed the user only has to push <ENTER> ?
Best regards,