I had a question regarding the schematic features of Eagle CAD. I am working with a part of medium complexity (200 pins), that for various reasons (foremost of which is the pin ordering is already dictated by a secondary already established design I cannot alter, secondly because I have to perform length tuning in a certain order) I cannot easily find a reasonable way to break the schematic symbol into easy to understand parts.
I mean, yes, if I *had* to, I could split them all up, which would make the schematic very clear, yet at the same time would be exceedingly difficult to read the schematic and actually understand what is connected to what on the board.
Thus my question. Let's say the part in question is a connector. Also assume there is only one connector. Is there some way I can make two 'copies' of that schematic symbol, on separate sheets, yet only have a single board instantiation ?
That is, for simplicity, let us say this connector has pins 1,2,3,4. On sheet one, pins 1 and 3 are connected to some device. On the second sheet, this same connector appears again, but now pins 2 and 4 are connected. However, obviously, there is only 'one' actual connector on the board. Everything I have tried this far seems to put two separate connectors on the board as if the represented two distinct parts, which is not what I want.
Any thoughts on this ?