ULP is a C-like User Language for data export and import for the realization of self defined commands. Most commonly use, but not limited to, exportation of custom BOM, creating library components, detailed statistic reports of schematic and board designs. EAGLE includes many useful ULPs, there are hundreds more available here.
#1 wirelist.ulp by Joseph Zeglinski
WIRELIST.ulp produces an optimum length, \"wire run\" SIGNAL List/Script File, for wire-wrapping or soldering proto and project boards. The resulting SCR can be executed to reroute a duplicate board layout into the equivalent \"wired version\". See instructions in ULP header. Uploaded by Joseph Zeglinski from None.
#2 pcb-gcode-3.3.2.zip by John Johnson
Now much easier to use! Pcb-gcode creates g-code files to allow you to produce a printed circuit board using a CNC router or milling machine. Supports outlining tracks (mech. etching), drilling and milling. Removes slivers by offsetting outline passes. Includes a setup screen that eliminates editing config files. Advanced functionality available. Please see http://groups.yahoo.com/ group/pcb-gcode for info, support, and updates. This program is free, see readme.html. Uploaded by John Johnson from John Johnson Software, Atlanta.
#3 used_layers.ulp by Daniel Mack
collects all layers used in a board and shows them in a \"SET USED_LAYERS\" dialog box. This is useful to disable *some* layers but keep the others. Uploaded by Daniel Mack from http://caiaq.de
#4 extd_erc.zip by A. Zaffran
Version 1.4 This EAGLE User Language Program performs several checks on the nets and pins of a schematic. These checks have been implemented as an addition to the builtin ERC, and shall later be incorporated in the editor itself. Pleas read the ULPs header. Dieses ULP ergaenzt den Electrical Rule Check (ERC). Diese Funktionen werden in einer spaeteren Eagle-Version integriert. Lesen Sie die Info im Dateikopf. Uploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft.
#5 autoplace_v3.ulp by David Moodie
Crude autoplace ULP, adaptation of Cadsoft original IIRC. v4 compatible, creates grouping based on SCH and handles multiple sheets. Uploaded by David Moodie from OptoSci Ltd.
#6 genpkg_cae.ulp by Weartronics
Generates packages for SMT aluminium electrolytic capacitors. Uploaded by Weartronics from http://www.weartronics.com/
#7 place50.zip by Matthias Weingart
Simple Autoplacer, run this ulp in the schematic; and exec the resulting script in the new created PCB - it will place all parts of the board to the position in the schematic. Most useful for analog designs. Uploaded by Matthias Weingart from IngBuero fuer wiss. Geraeteentw. - Solutions for embedded electronics.
#8 export-protelpcb.ulp by Alex Galakhov
Export Eagle board to Protel ASCII format Uploaded by Alex Galakhov.
#9 eagle2kicad-0.9c.ulp by Rene Semmelrath
This ULP converts the symbols and packages of an eagle library to the format of the KiCAD PCB suite. The current version is 0.9c. (0.9b is NOT compatible with actual kicad versions) This Scripts is released under the GNU Public license. Uploaded by Rene Semmelrath from --
#10 genpkg_soic.ulp by Weartronics
Generates packages for SMT small outline ICs including SO, SOP, SSOP, TSOP, TSSOP and others. Uploaded by Weartronics from http://www.weartronics.com/
#11 cmd_netscript.zip by A. Zaffran
Mit diesem ULP kann ein NetScript in den Schaltplan geladen, oder als Zeileneingabe benutzt werden, um eine Netzliste als Airwires zu zeichen. Use this ULP for import a Netscript in Schematic. Uploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft.
#12 eagle2ad_sch.ulp by Christian Keller
This ULP will generate schematics in Protel / Altium format. Version 1.1 Uploaded by Christian Keller from -
#13 parts-coords-mils.ulp by Jeff Long
Modification of Walter M"s program. Outputs PCB component locations in mils instead on mm. Uploaded by Jeff Long from California, USA.
#14 gcode-1.zip by Silviu Epure
Generate g-code for mechanical processing of board. only one file will be generated, with: mill, clean unused Cu from board, drill all holes, cut larger holes and finnaly cut board contour. Betwin phases, is implemented a simple tool change, for manually change bit. Tested with succes with KCam, but it should work with any other software. Uploaded by Silviu Epure from Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania.
#15 eagle2kicad-0.9b.ulp by Juergen Messerer
This ULP converts the symbols and packages of an eagle library to the format of the KiCAD PCB suite. The current version is 0.9b. This Scripts is released under the GNU Public license Uploaded by Juergen Messerer from --
#16 change-text-in-lbr.ulp by Bob Starr
This ULP scans through all packages and changes the text size/ratio for items on the tName, tValue and tPlace layers. Uploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio.
#17 importbom_and_netlist.zip by Jean Simonet
These are a couple of scripts I wrote to facilitate the importing of Orcad schematics into the layout editor. ImportNetlist.ulp imports a PADS2K netlist. ImportBOM (the most useful of both) imports a regular Orcad BOM file and lets you select the package for each group of items. The scripts are not well commented, maybe soon I"ll work on that. Uploaded by Jean Simonet from - NONE.
#18 zoom-unrouted.ulp by Daniel Mack
simple script to zoom to the first unrouted wire in board editor. this might be helpful when searching for tiny left- overs in the end phase of routing work. Uploaded by Daniel Mack from caiaq.
#19 statistic-copper-plane.zip by A. Zaffran
Statisic of copper (Board plane) Uploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft.
#20 genpkg_qfp.ulp by Weartronics
Generates packages for SMT quad flat pack ICs including QFP, SQFP, TQFP, TSQFP and others. Uploaded by Weartronics from http://www.weartronics.com/
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