Last night I tried to place a part from the content vault and received an error each time. The part I'm trying place is AD7147. The vault doesn't have the exact part I need but there are several that are close and will work.
I get an error every time but the error messages are different. The following are two examples:
Access violation at address 0D8C364E in module 'EDMSInterface.DLL'. Read of address 247CFF14 at 0D8C364E.
Please wait a moment...
Application Error
Exception EOleException in module PartCatalogInterface.dll at 0005A0B2.
Class not registered.
I have checked for updates etc... Everything says it's current. My subscription is current. My internet is decent. My internet is not the fastest but has been reliable. It's good enough for netfix, zoom, and VPN.
I can make my own parts and such but not having to make most of them would be great!