Hello, Regarding the input voltage calculation for the kit power on, your configuration seems appropriate when using a single 4.2V cell. However, with two cells in series, the minimum voltage level should be adjusted accordingly. For reference, please use the formula provided in the MAX17703DEVKIT datasheet on page 26 under "Setting the Input Undervoltage-Lockout Level (EN/UVLO)" This adjustment is necessary for proper protection. Addressing your primary concern, if the kit only initiates at voltages above 14V and causes battery heating, it indicates a potential internal fault. While the kit is operational, the forced start at higher voltages suggests internal damage. It is advisable to either replace the kit to avoid potential burnout issues. Be cautious, as this could be dangerous. Moreover, if the kit's fault detection mechanism is not triggering under these conditions, it implies that the kit's timer is functioning correctly. However, the lack of fault generation in your scenario points towards an internal defect.
Thanks for the response. Could you please clarify one more thing related to battery temperature? The datasheet for this kit mentions that we can operate it with a battery temperature from 45 to 50c max. I am using 18650 lithium ion panasonic NRC-18650B cells in my application, which is automotive related. The device is placed in a truck where the atmospheric temperature can exceed 50c, could you please suggest another kit suitable for those conditions? or do you think we can place this kit in such conditions?
The data sheet clearly states the temperature range, stating that you cannot exceed these limits. Please be careful, as you are dealing with batteries that can be dangerous at high temperatures.
The data sheet clearly states the temperature range, stating that you cannot exceed these limits. Please be careful, as you are dealing with batteries that can be dangerous at high temperatures.