I am moving from generating PCB layouts using Fritzing to KiCAD. It has been something I have been considering for a while. I have been investing some resources (time, money and energy) in learning KiCAD 6. I have just completed the module on constructing your own symbols. This has some appeal to me, I've done some research on the topic and would like to get feedback from member that have some experience with KiCAD.
Here is the scenario. I have recently started using a DR21A01 relay module. I would like to have a symbol to call the module in KiCAD. My first thought is someone must have already done this. It doesn't seem realistic that individuals using KiCAD are constructing a symbol for this module when they need it.
The site I purchased the units from has a schematic of the modules. None of the KiCAD symbols sites I have visited has a symbol for such a module. What am I missing? Are my expectation to high? Maybe a reputable site provides the resources to support the product. I tend to buy in markets that have the cheapest price. That doesn't necessarily mean you get all the things you need.
I'm thinking components like this should have CAD modules that can be incorporated into designs. Yes/No?
Since I have limited experience with KiCAD I hoped those in our E14 community would share their knowledge. I did a search for an IR sensor modules I use often. Again nothing supported in a CAD. Maybe I am looking in the wrong place.
Do all KiCAD users just bang out their own. Seems rather labour intensive.
Chime in with your thoughts. I'm eager to learn.
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