Previous versions of the Pi had built-in audio output sockets. Is it possible to add this back on the Pi 5?
Previous versions of the Pi had built-in audio output sockets. Is it possible to add this back on the Pi 5?
You can get back stereo audio connector functionality (which will be higher quality than the output on the older Pi models anyway) like this:
Note: The output is line audio level (i.e. normally requires an amplifier), but you can plug in headphones if desired (not recommended, but at a pinch it works).
There are simpler options if you want to drive a speaker (there are plenty of mono, and stereo modules). The google keyword to search for is "I2S", for instance "I2S amplifier board", and it will wire up to the 40-way connector on the Pi. Google "I2S Pi" to see how to configure and wire it up.
Perfect, thanks. I've seen more expensive HATs with audio but expected there was a good bare-bones cheapo option!
I don't recommend IQaudiO Zero Hat. there is no handshake. What a headache,
Is that the one pictured here? What handshake is needed?
Is that the one pictured here? What handshake is needed?