Since I have the HVC-P2 working with the Evaluation Software GUI on my Windows 10 box, it seemed logical to try out the sample python code there before moving to the Raspberry Pi.
This code was written at least a couple of years ago so it has dependencies on old software.
Software Requirements:
1) Python 2.7
2) pySerial library
3) Python Imaging Library (PIL)
I normally don't use python2, so I needed to install that. And PIL is no longer supported, so I installed Pillow (fork from PIL that is supported) instead.
I made my normal mistake of installing the 64 bit version of python27. On Windows, you should always install the 32 bit version of software unless the 64 bit version is required. Too many compatibility issues....... I ended up having to install the 32 bit version to make things work.
The provided API appears to support the same functionality as the Evaluation GUI (other than the GUI part).
Here is a list of the code provided:
Here is the result of running (only face detection enabled to reduce execution time):
And here is a captured image:
So, it should be straightforward to create an security monitoring application using python. Presuming that there aren't issues moving to the RPi. It is interesting that they list a version of the stabilization library specifically for Raspbian Jessie (as opposed to generic Linux). Makes me think they've already used this with an RPi. Of course, I'm running Stretch. May have to go backwards....
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