NEW UPDATE: Please check end of the blog post...
I am working hard to finish this project lately...Here is the update of my previous schematics and the final PCB design of the board.
Instead of 2N2222A BJT transistor I am using TIP122 now, the TIP122 can handle high current which is upto 5A and at the peak 8A, this is more enough for me to drive current for my LEDs. The resistors will be 10 ohm 1W or more than 1W. The yellow LED series has beed changed as it's forward voltage is 3V maximum, so 5 LEDs in series and each LEDs will get 2.4V.
The final version of PCB design, I am not going to use any fabrication house for my boards. I am going to etch it by myself (Just the money, nothing against PCB fab houses )... So, it will be home brewing with limited resources like, 4 x 8 inch copper clad board and it's one sided etc... The board size will be 4x4 inch...
Eagle cadsoft helped me a lot with LED alignment using ULP, really nice PCB application to have. It's my hands-on with Eagle cadsoft... The circuit has 2 layers but the bottom layer going to be resistors and wires on backside of the copper clad board. I haven't used component footprints, because in this way it will be easy for etching.
The image below is the actual etching circuit area...
My original idea was to include ambient sensor in the same LED board but the sensor react to the LED light itself, so it is better to give a space foe sensor to work properly...
There is still loads of work to do... I feel that I am too late... but I will try my best to finish this.
UPDATE: I just realised that I have missed to connect the LEDs in series on PCB design, I will update it...
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