As mentioned in my first blog, I’m in the process of road-testing the Panasonic SN-GCJA5 Laser Type Particulate Matter (PM) Sensor and, having successfully parsed the UART data stream into something meaningful, I decided to see how easy or difficult it would be to receive data using I2C. As before, I’m using a Raspberry Pi Pico board as my microcontroller.
I also decided to stick with the Arduino IDE for this endeavour as Arduino provides a standard I2C library called Wire.h.
However to keep things really simple, I decided to use a “helper” library (or library “wrapper”) called the Adafruit Bus IO Library instead of creating my own library for this sensor. This library wrapper provides some generic read and write functions that seemed suitable for my needs.
So, this is what I’ve done to get me started. Please note that I have not carried out any tests to validate the data received from this firmware. This blog merely demonstrates that I2C communication between the sensor (I2C slave) and the Raspberry Pi Pico (I2C master) works with firmware written using the Arduino IDE and associated off-the-shelf libraries.
Firmware development
The Adafruit Bus IO Library comes with three I2C examples. I started with the “i2c_address_detect.ino” example to see if I could detect my sensor using the slave address provided in the sensor documentation.
Now that I knew my PM sensor could be found using the correct I2C slave address, I wanted to see if I could read data from the sensor. For this exercise I used the “i2c_readwrite.ino” example.
Hopefully that video demonstrated how painless that was to read data from the sensor. As shown, I was able to use this library’s “write_then_read” function to obtain the data I required when setting the stop bit boolean parameter to false to ensure a repeat start condition.
One observation I made was that it appears from this test that the 500us delay (as per documentation) between the write and read request was not required – this of course may need further testing to validate.
To include the 500us delay, separate write and read functions are required. I used these separate functions with my final test code (as provided below) where I also parsed out the data according to the data format specification.
/* Panasonic Laser Type PM Sensor I2C sketch This sketch allows you to read data from a Panasonic SN-GCJA5 PM sensor. It is based on the Adafruit Bus IO library ( created 30 December 2021 by C Gerrish (BigG) Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. */ #include <Adafruit_I2CDevice.h> #define I2C_ADDRESS (0x33u) #define SENSOR_STATUS_REG (0x26u) #define SENSORDAT_PM10_REG (0x00u) const byte STABLE = 20; /**! Structure holding Panasonic's PM Sensor payload data **/ typedef struct SNGCJA5_datastruct { uint32_t pm10_mdv, ///< Standard PM1.0 pm25_mdv, ///< Standard PM2.5 pm100_mdv; ///< Standard PM10.0 uint16_t reg1_pc, ///< 0.3um Particle Count reg2_pc, ///< 0.5um Particle Count reg3_pc, ///< 1.0um Particle Count reg4_pc, ///< 2.5um Particle Count reg5_pc, ///< 5.0um Particle Count reg6_pc; ///< 7.5um Particle Count } PM_MDVPC_Data; uint8_t statBuffer[1] = {0}; byte StableCntr = 0; bool StableFlag = false; Adafruit_I2CDevice i2c_dev = Adafruit_I2CDevice(I2C_ADDRESS); void setup() { while (!Serial) { delay(10); } Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Panasonic SN-GCJA5 PM Sensor I2C communication test"); if (!i2c_dev.begin()) { Serial.print("Did not find device at 0x"); Serial.println(i2c_dev.address(), HEX); while (1); } Serial.print("Panasonic SN-GCJA5 PM Sensor has been found on I2C address 0x"); Serial.println(i2c_dev.address(), HEX); if (i2c_dev.setSpeed(400000)) Serial.println("I2C Speed set to 400k"); } void loop() { // Check sensor status statBuffer[0] = SENSOR_STATUS_REG; if (i2c_dev.write(statBuffer, 1, false)) { delayMicroseconds(500); statBuffer[0] = 255; // Setting to 255 so that we know if returns 0 then status ok if (, 1)) { if (statBuffer[0] == 0) { Serial.println("Sensor Status: OK"); // Now grab the sensor data statBuffer[0] = SENSORDAT_PM10_REG; if (i2c_dev.write(statBuffer, 1, false)) { delayMicroseconds(500); uint8_t PMbuffer[26] = {0}; if (, 26)) { PM_MDVPC_Data data; data.pm10_mdv = (PMbuffer[0] | PMbuffer[1]<< 8 | PMbuffer[2]<< 16 | PMbuffer[3]<< 24); data.pm25_mdv = (PMbuffer[4] | PMbuffer[5]<< 8 | PMbuffer[6]<< 16 | PMbuffer[7]<< 24); data.pm100_mdv = (PMbuffer[8] | PMbuffer[9]<< 8 | PMbuffer[10]<< 16 | PMbuffer[11]<< 24); data.reg1_pc = (PMbuffer[12] | PMbuffer[13]<< 8); data.reg2_pc = (PMbuffer[14] | PMbuffer[15]<< 8); data.reg3_pc = (PMbuffer[16] | PMbuffer[17]<< 8); //gap data.reg4_pc = (PMbuffer[20] | PMbuffer[21]<< 8); data.reg5_pc = (PMbuffer[22] | PMbuffer[23]<< 8); data.reg6_pc = (PMbuffer[24] | PMbuffer[25]<< 8); if (!StableFlag) Serial.println("*** UNSTABLE READINGS (within approx 28 secs of power on) ***"); Serial.println("Particle Mass Density (μg/m3):"); Serial.print("PM1.0: "); Serial.print(data.pm10_mdv/1000.0, 3); Serial.print(" | PM2.5: "); Serial.print(data.pm25_mdv/1000.0, 3); Serial.print(" | PM10: "); Serial.println(data.pm100_mdv/1000.0, 3); Serial.println("Particle Count:"); Serial.print("0.3-0.5μm: "); Serial.print(data.reg1_pc, DEC); Serial.print(" | 0.5-1.0μm: "); Serial.print(data.reg2_pc, DEC); Serial.print(" | 1.0-2.5μm: "); Serial.print(data.reg3_pc, DEC); Serial.print(" | 2.5-5.0μm: "); Serial.print(data.reg4_pc, DEC); Serial.print(" | 5.0-7.5μm: "); Serial.print(data.reg5_pc, DEC); Serial.print(" | 7.5-10.0μm: "); Serial.println(data.reg6_pc, DEC); Serial.println(); } else Serial.println("Failed to read sensor data"); } else Serial.println("Failed to write to PM10_REG"); } else Serial.println("Sensor Status: ERROR " + String(statBuffer[0], DEC)); } else Serial.println("Failed to read"); } else Serial.println("Failed to write STATUS_REG"); delay(1000); if (StableCntr < STABLE) StableCntr++; else StableFlag = true; }