I have been catching up on my RoadTest Review readings and was wondering if any member came across a page that provide RoadTest statics similar to a hockey sports page? If not, would this information be of interest to members, could the data be provided and what interest level would be needed to action such a request?
I'm not sure if this question would have fit better in the Feedback and Support page. I have seen posting about RoadTest here so I thought it would be appropriate.
I tend to track reviews more closely that I have 1) Submitted and Application for 2) Wish I submitted and application for or 3)Interest. I also like to see a bigger picture of the RoadTest forum in terms of success but find that difficult without data.
What I am looking for is a column/row format listing that is the big picture results of RoadTest Reviews. I banged out this short list of column headings to start.
RoadTest Description
Technology Groups
# Kits
# Applicants
# Application short listed
# Awarded Applications
# Reviews submitted before deadline
# Reviews with extended deadlines
# Reviews that failed to meet deadline
# RoadTest Date Extended after release
One interested is linking the RoadTests Reviews to other forums like Technologies. The other headings are statistical in nature.