There is a multitude of tech topics. Which of the following would interest you most?
There is a multitude of tech topics. Which of the following would interest you most?
I have a dream...
One day, someone in southeast Asia will decide to democratize the world of FPGAs as Espressif did with MCUs.
And behold, soon after Intel will anounce it will move its development tools to a brand new open source project, '.FPGA Core', and will provide the steering needed for it to flourish.
And flourish it will, as untold numbers of nerds suddenly see the light and create a zoo of contraptions which will drive low-level computing upside down.
And Element14 will be there to report on every step of this prodigiou journey
I have a dream...
One day, someone in southeast Asia will decide to democratize the world of FPGAs as Espressif did with MCUs.
And behold, soon after Intel will anounce it will move its development tools to a brand new open source project, '.FPGA Core', and will provide the steering needed for it to flourish.
And flourish it will, as untold numbers of nerds suddenly see the light and create a zoo of contraptions which will drive low-level computing upside down.
And Element14 will be there to report on every step of this prodigiou journey
Sorry HMV, I think it will remain a dream !
This isn't really the place to discuss it but I'm wondering what you would like to attempt with an FPGA that you can't get into at the moment.
There are some very low cost parts about, eg Tang Nano 9k @ £10.75 from Aliexpress.
Efinix and Lattice have low cost parts as well.
Intel/Altera are not going to move into the very low cost end of FPGA any time soon.
I'm away for the weekend starting now, but I'd be happy to chat about how to get started right now with cheap FPGA stuff - post a new thread if you like.