I recall prior to the COVD-19 pandemic, we were launching roadtests all the time. I think in 2018/19, we launched around 50 roadtests. Then COVID-19 came. We slowed down considerably more due to delays in getting roadtest products than anything else.
Last year, the delays lessened, but this year (2023), I seem to be getting products easily and before I launch the roadtests.
So I am really interested in having members who really want to do a roadtest and who have the time to do one to take a look at our roadtests.
I really try to launch roadtests for different skill levels: from the hobbyist to the expert.
I think roadtests are a good place to learn something new. (And, yes, be challenged sometimes by the technology at times).
I make an effort if roadtesters need help to get it for them.. Likewise, if roadtesters found a roadtest difficult, I bring that back to the sponsor. So, roadtesters provide a valuable service.
I realize that people have busy lives, with family commitments, kids, or even a new job. And not everyone can do a roadtest. But for those members who have room in their lives, I think doing a roadtest has satisfying personal and professional benefits.
If you haven't roadtested before, take a look at the enrolling roadtests.
If any of our experienced roadtesters have the time to respond, it would be good to tell new roadtesters how you (personally or professionally) benefited from participating in the roadtest program
Randall Scasny
RoadTest Program Manager