startKIT is a low-cost development board for the configurable xCORE multicore microcontroller products from XMOS. It's easy to use and provides lots of advanced features on a small, extremely low cost platform.
xCORE lets you software-configure the interfaces that you need for your system; so with startKIT you can configure the board to your match your exact requirements. Its 500MIPS xCORE multicore microcontroller has eight 32bit logical cores that perform deterministically, making startKIT an ideal platform for functions ranging from robotics and motion control to networking and digital audio.
startKIT also connects easily to your Raspberry Pi, allowing you to add real-time I/O and communication features to this popular computing platform, and to try out advanced applications for xCORE.
xCORE Multicore Microcontroller with 8-core Analog tile and integrated debugger
Testers will be selected on the basis of quality of applications: we expect a full and complete description of why you want to test this particular product.
Testers are required to produce a full, comprehensive and well thought out review within 2 months of receipt of the product.
Failure to provide this review within the above timescale will result in the enrolee being excluded from future Road Tests.
Good morning and thank you to all our RoadTesters for all their detailled and interesting applications. It's been difficult to make a choice; however, we have selected:
Sebastian Gajate
Jesper Haffgaard
Paul Lingard
David Lockwood
Dan McGraw
Thanks again to all those who applied. I urge those who weren't successful this time to apply for our other exciting RoadTests.
I just attended the webinar and found John Edwards of XMOS to be very informative. I will look forward to testing this product if I am fortunate enough to be chosen. I am particularly interested in the event and I/O handling. The heat mentioned by Colin Barnard above is a concern if heat sinking is required.
I can, as mine has arrived, but thought I would leave this to those who get selected to road test the device.
What I will say, is you need to download the xTime Composer from the XMOS website (that requires free registration) and the IDE prefers you to be connected to the internet when running it, for auto update and downloading example files and code snippets.
The processor runs quite hot - so don't rest it on vulnerable areas of your lap. not that I did that, and of course don't let the cat attempt to jump on top of it when a duel between electronic gadget and female feline think they both have lap priority access.
Top Comments
I can, as mine has arrived, but thought I would leave this to those who get selected to road test the device.
What I will say, is you need to download the xTime Composer from the XMOS website (that requires…
If anyone missed the webinar, the video can be found by clicking here.
I have just purchased one of these. Can't wait for it to arrive.