Tektronix MDO3054 Oscilloscope

Table of contents

imageToday's integrated designs need an oscilloscope that is just as integrated - such as the MDO3000 Mixed Domain OscilloscopeMDO3000 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope (MDO) Series. It is the ultimate 6-in-1 integrated oscilloscope that includes an integrated spectrum analyzer, arbitrary function generator, logic analyzer, protocol analyzer, and digital voltmeter/counter. The MDO3000 is completely customizable and fully upgradeable. Add the instruments and performance you need now - or later.
Key Performance Specifications
  • 2 and 4 analog channel models
  • 1 GHz, 500 MHz, 350 MHz, 200 MHz, 100 MHz bandwidth models
  • Bandwidth is upgradable (up to 1 GHz)
  • Up to 5 GS/s sample rate
  • 10 M record length on all channels
  • >280,000 wfm/s maximum waveform capture rate
  • Standard passive voltage probes with 3.9 pF capacitive loading and 1 GHz, 500 MHz, or 250 MHz analog bandwidth
Spectrum Analyzer
  • Frequency range
    • Standard: 9 kHz - oscilloscope bandwidth
    • Optional: 9 kHz - 3 GHz
  • Ultra-wide capture bandwidth up to 3 GHz
Arbitrary Function Generator (Optional)
  • 13 predefined waveform types
  • 50 MHz waveform generation
  • 128 k arbitrary generator record length
  • 250 MS/s arbitrary generator sample rate
Logic Analyzer (Optional)
  • 16 digital channels
  • 10 M record length on all channels
  • 121.2 ps timing resolution
Protocol Analyzer (Optional)
  • Serial bus support for I2C, SPI, RS-232/422/485/UART, USB 2.0, CAN, LIN, FlexRay, MIL-STD-1553, and Audio standards
Digital Voltmeter (Free with product registration)
  • 4-digit AC RMS, DC, and AC+DC RMS voltage measurements
  • 5-digit frequency measurements
Key Features
  • FastAcq™ high-speed waveform capture rate finds elusive signal anomalies quickly
  • Wave Inspector&#174 Controls provide easy navigation and automated search of waveform data
  • 33 automated measurements and waveform histograms for simplified waveform analysis
  • TekVPI&#174 probe interface directly supports active, differential, and current probes for automatic scaling and units
  • 9 in. (229 mm) WVGA widescreen color display
  • Small footprint and lightweight – Only 5.8 in. (147 mm) deep and 9.2 lb. (4.2 kg)
  • Spectral Analysis
    • Dedicated front-panel controls for commonly performed tasks
    • Automated peak markers identify frequency and amplitude of spectrum peaks
    • Manual markers enable non-peak measurements
    • Trace types include: Normal, Average, Max Hold, and Min Hold
    • Spectrogram display enables easy observation and insight into slowly changing RF phenomena
    • Automated measurements include: Channel Power, Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR), and Occupied Bandwidth (OBW)
  • Arbitrary Function Generation
    • Generate predefined signals to quickly simulate missing devices in designs
    • Capture signals on analog or digital inputs, transfer to the arbitrary edit memory, and replicate out from the AFG
    • Add noise to any signal to easily perform margin testing
  • Mixed signal design and analysis
    • Automated triggering, decode, and search on parallel buses
    • Multichannel setup and hold triggering
    • MagniVu™ high-speed acquisition provides 121.2 ps fine timing resolution on digital channels
  • Protocol Analysis
    • Trigger, decode and automatically search on packet-level content on most common embedded design serial bus standards.
    • Export protocol decode tables for use in documenting results
  • Digital Voltmeter and Frequency Counter
    • Quickly validate voltage or frequency measurements at a glance
    • Graphical readout provides information on stability of the measurement
  • Fully upgradeable
    • Add functionality, increase bandwidth or spectrum analyzer frequency range over time as your needs change or budget allows
Join us on May 14 for a webinar entitled, "So You Think You Know Oscilloscopes??" - So You Think You Know Oscilloscopes?.
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  • Testers will be selected on the basis of quality of applications: we expect a full and complete description of why you want to test this particular product.
  • Testers are required to produce a full, comprehensive and well thought out review within 2 months of receipt of the product.
  • Failure to provide this review within the above timescale will result in the enrolee being excluded from future Road Tests.
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