Espruino is a small computer that anyone can use to control things around them. Its JavaScript interpreter gives you instant feedback so that you can experiment and develop whatever your level of experience. Even if you've never written code before, you can still use the graphical code editor to write programs without typing a single word!
Just plug Espruino into your computer, use our Chrome Web IDE or your favorite terminal app and you'll be writing software in minutes. You can even use the Web IDE to automatically download JavaScript modules that will help you interface to hardware such as LCDs and Wireless modules.
Espruino's event-based nature means that it can save power whenever possible, drawing just 0.1mA and allowing your projects to run for years on normal AA batteries, or forever on a small solar panel.
Testers will be selected on the basis of quality of applications: we expect a full and complete description of why you want to test this particular product.
Testers are required to produce a full, comprehensive and well thought out review within 2 months of receipt of the product.
Failure to provide this review within the above timescale will result in the enrolee being excluded from future Road Tests.
Go to the road test page when you are logged into your account. On the top right hand side you will see a list of everyone who applied to the road test, the first 10 names are the people who won. Your name will be there (it may be on the second page of the list) and next to your name is a hyperlink that says write a review. Click that and away you go. Enjoy
Hello, can anybody tell me where can i add my review? its the first one for me and i cannot find the link to create it anywhere, any help would be awesome...
I didn't receive my board till the 9th of July, I do hope this means I still have a little time to finish my review as it is nearly finished. Anyone have any info on this??
Lol! I want to see if I can get my beaglebone to program it on the fly at some point!
The way I understand it, is that if you send the dump() command to the Espruino, it basically sends the program information back to your computer as text through a virtual serial port on a physical USB connection. You just need the computer to interpret that information as a HID interface instead of a serial connection and then the data it would see would appear as keystrokes for instance. From there, I would look at utilising the function that the Espruino has to send that information and build on it. I'm sure there's many ways to skin the cat though!
I have indeed already posted in the Espruino forums, but I've yet to get a reply. Fortunately I'm not in a hurry.
If it all comes down to it, and I can't afford to grab an Arduino Micro ($25 is a lot more than free for a board I already have!), I will definitely just code my own driver. The project I was going to use it in involves a Raspberry Pi, so there's probably a generic driver I can tweak to work with the Espruino.
The reason the Arduino Leonardo and Micro can be used as HID's (virtual keyboards etc..) is that that connect through a virtual serial port. The same is also true with the Espruino.
If you look at the documentation for the Arduino's You'll notice that you need to install some drivers on your computer in order to use that functionality, I'm not sure that you can find any compatible drivers for the Espruino to act as such and you will probably be stuck with having to write your own as well as write software to run on the Espruino itself too.
As you say, there's nothing to say that you can't do it, but being faced with having to write drivers for the target computer would make it a great deal more challenging. If there's a standard IC(processor) that you can connect between the Espruino and computer, then I would be tempted to use that solution. (an external IC would probably be easier to write code for on the Espruino too).
Your best option would be to ask the question on the Espruino forum, maybe somebody could shed more light on whether there are drivers already available and point you in the right direction.
Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you have tried and had any luck getting the Espruino to act as a HID natively (Like the Arduino Leonardo and MIcro). I can't find anything saying it can be a HID without a separate processor (like with most Arduinos), but I also can't find anything telling me it can't.
Theres some more battery and ground connections on the board that are unpopulated, you could use any socket an connector, just solder them on ( I desoldered the olimex socket last nite since none of my batteries have that connector)
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From the Terms and Conditions:
Testers are required to produce a full, comprehensive and well thought out review within 2 months of receipt of the product.
So, I'd say you got two months from July 9th.…
2 more days before closing... patients grass hopper