Review of Freescale Xtrinsic Accelerometer Cube Demo

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RoadTest: Freescale Xtrinsic Accelerometer Cube Demo

Author: jaytech101

Creation date:

Evaluation Type: Independent Products

Did you receive all parts the manufacturer stated would be included in the package?: True

What other parts do you consider comparable to this product?: Other accelerometers

What were the biggest problems encountered?: I believe there isn't enough information to implement this product in any project.

Detailed Review:

I believe that freescale should look into this demo and give more information on using this product with other products. I've done extensive reshearch on how other accelerometers work and I've found few that worked in a similar fassion. Even though i did all this reshearch I never was able to get it to work in other applications. So I ask can I receave some professional help and more time to show a more explained review.
