> Yup! SciFi movie technology can become reality !
Using sensors can create different readers information can be made doors with voice command ,
using the video camera can make a bionic eye that can see in several spectra, motion detectors ( radar ) measurement medical condition ,
all they can be combined to get out all kind of hybrid technology , which becomes reality.
>Examples of technologies that can be tested and can be implemented using the kit.:
< Bionic eye that can view in dif spectra. < Voice command or unit that uses sensors used to open automatic doors.
. Facial recognition using video camera. (Star Trek)
< Medical device that can monitor multiple functions of the human body.
^^^^ ^^^^
>Using sensors to control lighting and climate data reading from the room<
< Various devices with various functions. < Different spectra of view and sound analysis. (Predator)
> That would be some examples of technology , possible to implement using that kit . However I think there are many more ways to install, and use patterns, inspired from scifi technologys.
> Perhaps , I am not a long time entered in this world of electronic technology . I experienced a year and a half ,
but I developed quite rapidly and has become increasingly curious and thirsty for knowledge and the use of kits that you provide us.
Instead, as a child I had a long experience in the world of computers ( mounting parts , maintenance,
installation of different configurations for different kinds of application ( for gaming, image and video processing , audio processing ), installation softwear products ,
and now I learning , software programming and design > (very advanced image processing , video editing and audio editing ) .
I am glad that you give this possibility of experimentation and implementation of these products.