The Arduino Nano 33 IoT is the easiest and cheapest point of entry to enhance existing devices (and creating new ones) to be part of the IoT and designing pico-network applications. Whether you are looking at building a sensor network connected to your office or home router, or if you want to create a BLE device sending data to a cellphone, the Nano 33 IoT is your one-stop-solution for many of the basic IoT application scenarios.
A few facts ....
- SAMD21 Cortex-M0+ 32bit low power ARM MCU
- Radio module u-box NINA-W10, secure element ATECC608A
- Operating voltage of 3.3V
- Clock speed is 48MHz, CPU flash memory is 256KB, SRAM is 32KB
- 11 PWM pins, 1 UART, 1 SPI, 1 I2C
- 8 (ADC 8/10/12bit) analogue input pins, 1 (DAC 10bit) analogue output pins
- LSM6DS interial measurement unit (IMU)
- Length is 45mm, width is 18mm, weight is 5g (with headers)
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