My name is Randall Scasny. Many people know me on the community through RoadTests, webinars or the Essentials programs, which I manage. Through these roles, I am in contact with a lot of members. I've gotten a chance to know many of them, whether they are students, hobbyists, makers, working engineers, or etirees. But I haven't connected that much with members who define themselves as entrepreneurs, whether they are hardware or software focused, or are even entrepreneurs in another area who are element14 members to learn how to use technology in their businesses (i.e., vertical farming, would be an example). But I'd like to connect with and get to know our entrepreneurs better. I have owned two businesses in the past and I know how hard it is to get started, to get your marketing right, and to develop a customer base, so you can make a go of it after your financing runs low. I'd like to form an entrepreneurs group on element14. What form this informal group would take depends on what the group defines as important to them. So, leave a comment here, or message me at rscasny if you are interested.
Randall Scasny