The Python examples in the PiFace documentation only show how to write/read one*** bit*** at a time. It would be nice (and probably much much faster) if one could write one ***byte*** with one command to the output terminal. Can this be done?
The Python examples in the PiFace documentation only show how to write/read one*** bit*** at a time. It would be nice (and probably much much faster) if one could write one ***byte*** with one command to the output terminal. Can this be done?
In the most recent software you just write to the `value` attribute of the output port like so:
$ python3
>>> import pifacedigitalio
>>> pifacedigitalio.init()
>>> pifacedigital = pifacedigitalio.PiFaceDigital() # creates a PiFace Digtal object
>>> pifacedigital.output_port.value = 0xAA
Hope that helps.