I'm having trouble with a Python code I'm writing. It is for a personal sleep time announcer.
print ('Hello, I am the Sleep Tight program, What is your name?')
myName= input ()
print('It is nice to meet you, ' + myName)
myAge = int(raw_input ('What is your age?'))
if myAge int(<=13)
print (myName + ', your recommended time of sleep you should get at your age is 9 hours!')
elif myAge int(<=20)
print (myName + ', your recommended time of sleep you should get at your age is 8 hours!')
else myAge int(>=26)
print (myName + ', your recommended time of sleep you should get at your age is 7.5 hours!')
I'm having a syntax issue with the highlighted section. Specifically, here!
Please help if you can!