I am not able to install numPy package for micropython in thorrny. Can anyone please help me in solving this package.
I am not able to install numPy package for micropython in thorrny. Can anyone please help me in solving this package.
That's not unusual. MicroPython is close to but not identical to Python. It's unlikely that NumPy will work.
Your best bet is to identify precisely what feature(s) of NumPy you require and, if possible, create your own implementation (of just those features) or change code to avoid needing those features.
I'm pretty sure OpenCV will never run on MicroPython. OpenCV runs on C++ and Python. The requirements alone are to much for MicroPython.
This is not the first time you do this.
You came here asking for help, not giving the full details and expecting that we help you so you can post it somewhere else on the Internet.
Do you even know what numpy is ? You can't install packages on Micropython the same way you do on Python.
Your best bet is to go ask on the MicroPython forums. I'm sure they can give you more help.
I would ask probably every one for help. Whoever can help me. Since I need solution to a problem. I feel community member are generous enough to help me out for the problem I raise.
You don't even try to search for it on the Internet...