So, just joined today, but just in the little digging around here I found enough info to lead me to the right questions to ask to figure this out.
Over a year ago, I bought a gazillion touchscreen-equipped LCD screens at an auction. Just the bare screens, new in box even though their older units. I guess I got caught up in the hype, though I doubt I over-paid, these were cheap.
Found I could get driver boards on Ebay relatively cheap (about $15 US/ea). Great, now to hook up the USB for the touch-screens... wahhh-waaa. The only place I could find a cable that would work was Digi-key for like 20 bucks each.
I've got tons of USB cables, just need to know what type of connector this is:
Turns out it is a 2mm 3M (which makes sense, it's a 3M touchscreen, but I'd been looking at JST forever) 51004-050051004-0500 microblade connector
Now for the question: I"m finding the housings easily enough, but where do I get and what pins go in these things?
Still pretty nooby here, but learning more all the time.