I have this nice step attenuator, it is a MiniCircuits ZX76-31-PP-S+ (PDF datasheet).
However, it requires a 10-way connector, which I don't have! The photo below shows what the socket looks like. It appears to be 0.5 mm pitch based on caliper measurements. There are markings 3L and P1 in black ink, as can be seen in the photo.
The photo below shows the socket end-on. I believe a metal shell plug with dimensions 9.8 x 2.5 mm would smoothly fit inside the socket. In other words, the metal shell will be somewhere in-between the sizes of USB-C and USB Type A connectors.
From the drawing in the Minicircuits datasheet, the mating connector has springy side latching.
Anyone seen such a connector before?
Minicircuits sells a cable with that connector attached, but it's at a price I don't want to pay (about £30 each, and I need three of them!).
It will be awkward to tack wires onto the board, since the board cannot be removed from the metal enclosure without removing all the RF connectors too. This is infeasible and would affect its performance too. If it comes to it I'd rather buy the ready-made cables, but would really prefer to find the connectors.