Any body guide me to get started with PIC micro controllers . I am absolute beginner and want to learn how to write and upload the codes and make simple projects like interfacing sensors . Thanks in Advance.
Any body guide me to get started with PIC micro controllers . I am absolute beginner and want to learn how to write and upload the codes and make simple projects like interfacing sensors . Thanks in Advance.
Hi Haris,
If you are a beginner, first of all I recommend you to find a simple development board for pic microcontroller you can find a list of pic microcontroller development boards here
After that, you need a compiler and IDE to write your code for pic microcontroller I recommend you to start with mikro c for pic which is easier to use. Check this link for getting starting with pic microcontroller programming using mikro c for pic
After choosing these start working on pic micro controller tutorials starting from beginners level to advanced level
here is a very useful source for pic microcontroller tutorials
I hope it helps you, if you need any help feel free to reply here
Hi Haris,
If you are a beginner, first of all I recommend you to find a simple development board for pic microcontroller you can find a list of pic microcontroller development boards here
After that, you need a compiler and IDE to write your code for pic microcontroller I recommend you to start with mikro c for pic which is easier to use. Check this link for getting starting with pic microcontroller programming using mikro c for pic
After choosing these start working on pic micro controller tutorials starting from beginners level to advanced level
here is a very useful source for pic microcontroller tutorials
I hope it helps you, if you need any help feel free to reply here