I would like to try out a project that was mostly based on Arduino. Secifically, I want to use a PIC microcontroller, using PIC32MZEF CURIOCITY BOARD:
Curiosity PIC32MZEF Development Board - DM320104 | Microchip Technology Inc.
Then I have connected the OV7670 FIFO camera (620x480 p), as I2C connection and an SD Card Module as SPI Connection (SC, MISO, MOSI, SCK).
I am having difficulty finding a way to code the camera to take periodic pictures and to store them to the sd card, so that I can just view them later on any PC. Has anyone done this before and would like to share his experience?
From My research I would need:
1. FAT 32 Library for PIC32.
2. Probably image compression to .jpeg as the PIC will need perform other stuff at the same time. (Smaller file translates to better performance).
In Sum:
1. I need to verify which library to use for FAT 32 (I found a couple).
2. Find how to take a picture for the camera module.
3.Verify if compression is indeed necessary (it can be optional).
4. How the data (picture) can be written and store on the sd card to view later.
Thanks for your help.