What is the exact relationship between the self calibration gain bitvalue and the actual scaling it does?
E.g.what bitvalue would be measured with a saturated input (maximum voltage measured) and
the self calibration gain set to, say, 0xBFFFFF and the self calibration offset set to 0x000000?
The datasheet is very vague about that. This is all it says:
"SCGC: Self-Calibration Gain Register
The self-calibration gain register is a 24-bit read/write register. The data written/read to/from this register is clocked
in/out MSB first. This register holds the self-calibration gain calibration value. The format is always in two’s complement
binary format. A write to the self-calibration register is allowed. The written value remains valid until it is either rewritten
or until an on-demand self-calibration operation is performed, which overwrites the user-supplied value. Any attempt
to write to this register during an active calibration operation is ignored.
The self-calibration gain value is used to scale the self-calibration offset corrected conversion result before the system
offset and gain calibration values have been applied, provided the NOSCG bit in the CTRL3 register is set to 0. The
self-calibration gain value scales the self-calibration offset corrected conversion result by up to 2x or can correct a gain
error of approximately -50%. The gain is corrected to within 2 LSB."
And it also mention SCGC=0xBFD345 and SCOC=0x00007E as an example of values you can get when the self calibration is carried out.
Thanks for any help!