Is there an aftermarket device that can be added to a Superior Electric Powerstat variable transformer 1296DU that can digitally adjust the voltage wheel effectively making it an autotransformer?
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Is there an aftermarket device that can be added to a Superior Electric Powerstat variable transformer 1296DU that can digitally adjust the voltage wheel effectively making it an autotransformer?
jmurray32168 In almost 40 years of working with electrical devices, I have not personally seen anything like what you are looking for. It could be made, but I haven't seen a commercial product. Good luck in your search.
jmurray32168 In almost 40 years of working with electrical devices, I have not personally seen anything like what you are looking for. It could be made, but I haven't seen a commercial product. Good luck in your search.
Lots are available on the surplus market as they have been replaced by inverters for some time.