Is there an aftermarket device that can be added to a Superior Electric Powerstat variable transformer 1296DU that can digitally adjust the voltage wheel effectively making it an autotransformer?
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Is there an aftermarket device that can be added to a Superior Electric Powerstat variable transformer 1296DU that can digitally adjust the voltage wheel effectively making it an autotransformer?
1296DU is an autotransformer.
no. I mean one that can digitally maintain a given input commanded voltage. If for any reason the input supply drift we have to manually adjust the wheel. I want to take us to the next level. I thought i had seen a mechanical device that can be added to these can automatically adjust the wheel based on any input drift/variation
You did not look at the datasheet? FRX501B.
You did not look at the datasheet? FRX501B.