Hello, anyone has the datasheet or an electrical scheme of this board?
I am trying to communicate with that board with an esp32wrom devkit but i am not able to do anything. So i want be sure i am connecting or powering on it right
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Hello, anyone has the datasheet or an electrical scheme of this board?
I am trying to communicate with that board with an esp32wrom devkit but i am not able to do anything. So i want be sure i am connecting or powering on it right
I typed EV_ICM-42605 into Google and the first link was: https://uk.farnell.com/invensense/ev-icm-42605/eval-board-3-axis-gyro-accelerometer/dp/3861382 which has a datasheet link.
Yes i have it, but it is the datasheet of the 42605 chip and not the devboard where is placed. I am looking to a datasheet referred to the breakout board
I see, apologies. I can only suggest going to TDK to see if they actually produce one. If it isn't on their website already you may be out of luck - I can see they do a dev kit but that's obviously not the same. I wonder if there are elements that are the same that can be, at least, interpreted from the dev kit download info?
I see, apologies. I can only suggest going to TDK to see if they actually produce one. If it isn't on their website already you may be out of luck - I can see they do a dev kit but that's obviously not the same. I wonder if there are elements that are the same that can be, at least, interpreted from the dev kit download info?